Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Merciless killing of Nkosingiphiphile and his Mother

Nkosingiphile Dlamini and his mother have been shot at home last night (26/02/2008) at about 7 pm. The cold blooded killer simple opened fire firstly to his mother and then went to Nkosingiphile who has been shot twice in his chest. The reason for the shooting is still unknown. No one has been arrested so far but it is believed that they will soon be arrested, cause the younger sister can identify the killer. His home is next to Thandizwe Primary School esigodini sakwaMandende.
Nkosingiphile has been working for an orphans' NGO which is known as Tholulwazi next to Manguzi Hospital.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Vumase it is good having this site, but according to this case i think it was not of good thought to inform us about, i quote "cause the younger sister can identify the killer" unquote. I think this information may make the killers, if they happen to open this page or have people/friends who visit this site. This information may be used by these hooligans to do more killings. i thank you, it's my opinion - ZIphozonke Silwane