Monday, February 18, 2008

Sizamingqubeko High School Learners involved in car crash

A van transporting more than 15 Learners from Sizamingqubeko High School Crashed next to Lala Lapha at about 2:30 Pm today. 3 of these kids had sustained major injuries and they have been admitted at Manguzi Hospital and their state is a bit critical. 2 of these learners also sustained injuries and they are said to be pregnant. Others sustained minor injuries and they have been discharged from the hospital. The driver also sustained minor bruises and it is alleged that he is not licenced and he has been put to custody by Manguzi Police. It is also alleged that the car owner was also beaten by the crowd because he uttered words, showing concern about his car not the victims.
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1 comment:

Chris said...

Glad the injuries were only minor.