Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Umthayi A Huge Success

Umthayi started very small. It only attracted nonentities, but you can wonder now cause it attracts people of the high profile i.e. from the Provincial Government, Swazi Royal Family, Mozambican Government, Media and even The Zulu Royal Family. The list is endless. Umthayi is always seen as a symbol of unity amongst amaThonga. I am sure ukuthi uMthayi would soon be recognized by our National Government and it will showcase our originality, our thinking, our culture and lastly our identity. For those who look down at themselves solely because bangaMathonga would soon discard it. This is our true reflection. This picture was captured by Buhle Mathenjwa. Keep sending more pictures.

For those who did not attend uMthayi, make sure uyayithola insulubha bakuthumelele lapho ukhona, ngoba umuzi uyabuya uma uphuza ubuganu. Marula fruit is known as a fertility fruit. Ziyasha baba.

Shortly after the official gathering at the Thandizwe Royal palace we went to Tembe Elephant Park. Things were happening expect more After Party Pictures at Tembe tomorow morning.

For all this, we extend our gratitude to the organisers and anyone who spearheaded the success of this high profile event KwaNgwanase has ever known.
Phambili ngoMthayi Phambili.........................

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