Kindly help me by looking at this old man who was part of the last wedding of Mama Mabunga at Thandizwe area, he was very wet "i hop u understand what i mean by so saying" ubemanzi te. Ubesholo phansi ukuthi akuqedwe phela ngoba yena uselambile kade efikile lapha emngcwabeni. Kwale noma sengithi ake ngimbuke nje ngqo emehlweni ngibone ukuthi uzoqhubeka yini akhulume, kuvele kwaba nhlanga zemuka nomoya. Wathi "noma ungangibuka anginendaba ngoba mina ngi nje". Kuvele kwaphela ngisho ozwaneni. Ngikhathazekile ngento engiyibone kulowayamngcwabo. Angikaze ngayibona around eManguzi lento yenzeka kepha eThandizwe ngiyibone ngamehlo enyama. Okunye engikubonile wukuthi uma usemngcwabeni akumele uzenze juice unge fruit. If kuthiwa abantu bacelwa ukuba bangene etendeni ukuze bezothola okudliwayo, nakanjani kumele kwenziwe njalo. Hhayi indaba yokuthi "hhayi akumele sifolele ukudla sengathi siyizilambi" Kwenzakaleni-ke kulabo abasho njalo - abakutholanga ukudla, because it was not served to the people who were sitting where they liked, they starved and had to go to eZangomeni to buy some meat. Lets not do this let us abide by the instructions.
1 comment:
i love u guys. the blog rocks . missing amagalitshongo like hell. keep up the gud work.
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