Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Manguzi 2009 Matric learners' prayer day

Dr Zwelakhe Qwabe, Linda Sibiya (popularly known as Mr Magic)of Ukhozi FM and many other prominent local professionals including Thulani Lubojo Vumase motivated more than 600 matric learners at Tribal Authority hall, where a prayer day was held. This function has been organized solely to pray for Obonjeni district grade 12 learners since they are about to write their final exams. Local Pastors were also invited to pray for the district. Our district is known for poor matric results for the past 8 years in the Province. Obonjeni District is known as the worst underpeforming district in the province. Teachers' unions also committed themselves in improving the matric results this year. Dr Qwabe motivated the learners by saying, "good results are always a product of hard working" which means passing Matric is never accidental. u Linda Sibiya kanye no Lubojo Vumase bebeshiyelana i Podium bechaza ukuthi baphumelela kanjani bona empilweni. Mr Magic uze wachaza ukuthi yena wayekade eyi Security Guard, futhi esuka emndinini ontulayo kodwa ngokuzimisela nje kukodwa namuhla uselapha ekhona manje.

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