Monday, November 23, 2009

Lack of access to clean water unacceptable

It is unacceptable that most rural communities still do not have access to clean water, says President Jacob Zuma. Zuma, who was speaking during the official launch of the upgrade of the Nsezi Water treatment plant in Richards Bay on Saturday, urged local councillors to work together with Mhlathuze Water and other state owned utilities to provide people with clean water, proper sanitation and decent shelter."Our communities demand nothing less of us than to deliver on these necessities." Zuma said government will begin to stream services to the affected areas. He said challenges in the electricity sector have taught government the importance of addressing future problems before they happen."The challenge that we still need to address include an ability by some municipalities to roll out infrastructure, and to operate, maintain and rehabilitate water and sanitation infrastructure," he said.The President said it was important that the infrastructure was in place to provide clean water to meet the growing demand, because government's objective was for people to have access to water by 2014."Our country has a critical obligation to meet the Millennium Development Goals. One these goals is to halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation," Zuma said.The President said the launch of the Nsezi Water Treatment Plant is the first step to ensuring that rural communities also get clean water and will service domestic, mining and industrial areas."Without water, we run the real risk of not meeting our objective of improving the quality of life of all South Africans, particularly the rural poor."Zuma also commended Umhlathuze Water for implementing extensive water schemes in Shemula, Mandlakazi and Umkhanyakude in Northern KwaZulu-Natal.Proper sanitation and clean water brings dignity to people living in rural areas, he said."Having clean water and toilets bring dignity to people living in rural communities. People living in these communities will consider themselves as sub-human if this problem is not dealt with," said Zuma. Manguzi is still lacking proper water infrastructure. We are still behind the rest of the world


Unknown said...

Dear Party - I would like to talk to you about your news. Please send your contact telephone number to so that I can phone you.

Unknown said...

Dear Party,
I am still trying to get hold of you to talk about contributing news to an online publication, please contact me as per the above mail.