Sunday, November 8, 2009

Provincial Minister of Agriculture Lydia Johnson bringing seeds to the people of Emanguzi

The Prinicipal of Thandizwe Primary School (Nkosinathi Mthembu) and the Minister after the occation.
Thandizwe Primary School located in the western part of Manguzi hosted the MEC for Agriculture last friday. This occassion was meant to benefit all needy people of the area who are passionate about farming. This event was an initiative of the local Women who saw the need to invite the minister to attend the event. Home Affairs was also present to facilitate the applications for ID and Birth Certificates. The Minister highlighted that there are some Departmental officials who distribute seeds only to their friends, Church members, and their comrades, She said such officials must discountinue such wrong doing otherwise they will face the wrath of the law.

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