Thursday, January 21, 2010

Matric results a huge success at Manguzi

More Matric learners managed to obtain bachelors this year than the previous years. Star of the Sea High School got 94% pass rate in 2009 and has been followed by Hambisanani (82%). Some schools like Mshudu High moved forward by obtaining 71% pass rate. This indeed has been a great move for our community. Most schools who under achieved for the past five years managed to improve their results, such schools are:- Dumangeze High, Sthembinhlanhla High, Shengeze High, all made a giant leap. Thandeka Nhlozi from Star of the Sea also got wonderful matric results, the Inkosi Mabhudu Tembe also committed the Tribal Authority to fund her Education. Hopefully this would motivate more learners to spend most of their quality time in their classrooms.

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