Thursday, May 7, 2009

Water supply crisis eManguzi

Water suppy eManguzi has always been a crisis for the past two decades. This has had serious repurcusions on business sector around this Region. It is a bit puzzling cause water is abudantly available but not in our taps. When one begins to ask about the cause of this, everyone blames anyone and anyone blames everybody, everybody blames someone. At the end no one is responsible for water crisis. Is this the way it must be handled?

The ANC blames the IFP and the IFP blames the ANC kugcina sekuyinkomba nkombani. The matter of the fact is water crisis isssue remains unsolved.

So far no clear plan has been laid down which tells the residents about the solutions to this problem. Local and District Municipalities will soon be receiving money from the Government but water is always not a priority. How come?

Shortly after the 2009 elections water has been very, very, very scarce in this region and some people are speculating that it might be a punishment to the Manguzi community because they did not vote for them. Is this true? if not true, why there is no water in our taps?

This really raises lot of questions than answers. Who is held accountable for this?

Next week(Monday), get the answers from different angles about this issue. Manguzi News would be interogating certain prominent and influential individuals. Keep in touch browse Manguzi News we will always keep you updated about uMhlabuyalingana.

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