Sunday, October 18, 2009

Local Manguzi Residents threatened to stage a March to the Municipality Offices

Communities of Emanguzi expressed outrage and anger the actions of the municipality for not prioritizing their area for the connection of electricity. This occured amidst the long standing backlog in their area which led to the moratorium being declared on new connection of account of shortage of capacity. For over five years Manguzi communities had no development in terms of electricity. They therefore, have an expectation that their area would be prioritized over other areas which all along had been enjoying electricity.
More than 2000 angry residents of Manguzi attended a critical meeting to address the Electricity crisis Emanguzi. The local Mhlabuyalingana Municipality do not want to allow supply of free electricity to Manguzi residents. The Municipality prioritized Esiphahleni for this low cost Electricity. This has angered local residents till they decided to March to the Municipality offices. Izikhulumi zonke bezikubeka ngokusobala ukuthi kubalulekile ukuthi lo Maspala anekelwe izwe mayelana nenkohlakalo edle lubi kuloMasipala. Kuthathwe izinqumo kulomhlangano lapho khona kuzomelwe kumashwe, futhi kuleyo Mashi kumele kube nabezindaba. Esinye sezikhulumi sihlongoze ukuthi kumele loludaba lukagesi kungenelele ungqongqoshe kazwelonke ophethelene nomasipala. IFP led Municipality seemingly is failing to yield satisfactory service delivery to its residents. The date for the march is still going to be announced by a special task team.
Cllr Sipho Mthethwa popurlary known as Juda was addressing the angry masses. This meeting was called by the ANC Councillors.

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