Monday, October 19, 2009

Mandende Cup Tournament a huge success

Mandende Cup Tournament has been initiated by our local community members
who saw the need to development new talents for our future soccer stars. Such an initiative was not that easy to organize, but lately it was a huge success. The tournament took place on the 17th of October 2009 at Mandende soccer field, where it attracted more than 1500 spectators. 4 teams participated and Tembe Timbers got 1st prize (Trophy, R200 and a soccer ball), 2nd prize went to Ntabankulu FC their prize was R150 and soccer ball, 3rd prize went to MANDENDE SUNRISE, their prize was R100 and a soccer ball, 4th prize went to NQEDAMA FC, they got R50 and a soccer ball.

The event was made possible by the following companies and individuals:- Manguzi Metro cash and carry, Induna J.M. Masinga (Trophies), Obed Tembe, Thuleleni Miya, Sipho Miya (Co-ordinator), Caroline Vumase, Lubojo Thulani Vumase (Transport officer), JJ Mpanza, and Thobile Vumase Mlambo

Tembe Timbers won the 1st prize

Ntabankulu FC got 2nd prize

Mandende Sunrise FC got 3rd prize
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